New-born Hearing Screening & Why it is Important

New-born Hearing Screening & Why it is Important

  • October 17, 2023

Hearing is a very important sense for human beings. A good hearing ability is important for the development of speech and language and many other cognitive functions. At the age of 18 months, the baby can start hearing sounds like mother’s heart beat. By the time baby is full term, she can hear like an adult. This hearing is used to make connections in brain, in storing information and coordinating with other parts of brain.

So for normal development of brain, a normal hearing is must.


To make sure that child is hearing normally, a new born hearing screening should be conducted with every child. New born hearing screening is a very simple process that is conducted using instruments like OAEs or AABR or both.


Though new born hearing screening should be performed on every child but it becomes much more important for children falling under high risk categories.

Following are the high risk factors for hearing loss:

  1. Family history of hearing loss: if anybody from parent’s family has history of hearing loss.

  2. Maternal infection during pregnancy: if there was any type of infection occurred during pregnancy, your child may be at risk of hearing loss.

  3. Premature birth

  4. Low birth weight

  5. Any infection during birth

  6. Head injury

  7. intake of any medicine during pregnancy

  8. Intake of tobacco or alcohol during pregnancy

Ask your maternity centre or paediatrician for new born hearing screening.

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