Normal Nonfluency vs Stuttering

Normal Nonfluency vs Stuttering

  • August 24, 2022

Normal Non-fluency is disruption/interruption in the flow of speech usually seen in children between 18months to 4yrs. As young children are learning new words and trying to put them to-gather they tend to exhibit some interruptions like word repetitions, interjections, false starters etc while doing conversations. It usually fades off once kids grow and start mastering over language.

What is Stuttering?

Stuttering is a speech disorder characterized by repetition of sound, syllables or word, hesitations, prolongation of sounds, or blocks.
In young children if normal non fluency do not fade off after kids have got control on language it is termed as Developmental Stuttering. Developmental Stuttering requires assessment by Speech Language Pathologist. SLP’s identifies different types of disfluencies and plans intervention based on it.

During normal non-fluency phase child is not aware of his disfluencies and may not exhibit any secondary behaviours whereas during stuttering the child is aware of his disfluencies and even tries to avoid speaking situations. Common Secondary Behaviours which might be observed are usually eye blinking, avoidance of eye contact, fidgeting of fingers, tremors of lips or head jerks.
Stuttering affects child’s confidence, they are more likely to be shy or withdrawn compared to children of their age who do not stutter. These children may face teasing or be bullied by their peers which may affect their personality and turn them into introverts later in life.
As adults or parents it is important to monitor your child’s speech at every age for early intervention. Stuttering can be treated with different strategies planned by SLP’s. Early intervention can prevent potential problems with behaviour, learning and social interaction.

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