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Jancy Sam Jancy Sam

Jancy Sam

  • Starting Price: ₹400.00
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“Jancy Sam” Locations

Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri

About “Jancy Sam”

Speech language pathologist and Audiologist
Available service for:
Unclear speech
Speech and language issues

Offered Services

Speech and language Pathologist / Speech Therapist
Paediatric stammering specialist
Specialist in Autism Spectrum Disorder and ADHD
Specialist in developmental language delay
Specialist in misarticulation or developmental speech errors


  • Audiologist and speech language pathologist ( 2017 - 2021 ) Mata lachmi school for speech and hearing handicapped

    Assessing, diagnosing, screening, and preventing language and speech disorders.
    Evaluated and treated speech , language fluency and articulation disorders.
    Conducted Audiometry test and recommended hearing aid based on type of loss.


  • Bachelor's in Speech language pathology and Audiology (BSLPA) ( 2013 - 2017 ) Dr. S R Chandrashekhar Institute of speech and hearing, Bangalore
  • Speech and language therapist Doxa clinic

    Taking case history, Assessing and diagnosing speech and language disorder and providing speech therapy intervention for Autism, Adhd, expressive language delay , Downs syndrome and fluency disorder individuals. Also Assessing voice related disorders and provide intervention for the same.

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